Your StoryBrand Guide WIKI listing

The SB Wiki is currently limited to StoryBrand Guides. After you submit your info, Ashley will manually set up your record and permissions (usually within a day).

This is how other guides will see your name.
If you use a different email for notion than for your business, enter the notion email, so that you can be set up on the system. If you don't have a notion email yet, just use your business email.
How much do you know about Notion?
Just get close - it's only used for calculating how long you've been a guide.
If you leave the guide community, your data sticks around, but you will be less visible in the WIKI, and you'll lose access to the resource library.
If you leave the coach community, your data sticks around, but you will be less visible in the WIKI, and you'll lose access to the resource library.