Using the StorySheet BrandScript Generator
The instructions below are intended to be used when you work with your StoryBrand Guide, following along with a StoryBrand LiveStream session, or working through the Business Made Simple course on the StoryBrand Messaging Framework.
If you're a student or client, your guide will give you access to the worksheet.
Otherwise, you can get it at
Sheet #1. Client Instructions
Welcome message.
Installing and troubleshooting the optional Google Sheets AddOn.
How to identify and fix the two most common reasons that the function buttons are not working.

Sheet #2. Getting Your License
This page tells the rest of the Workbook who you are, and gives information about your company, website, and the name of your product or service.
It's also where you get your license-key that enables all of the automation that drives the workbook.
Sheet #3. Transformation
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework.
Module 1, Video 1: Defining the Aspirational Identity.
Sheet #4. Character
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Module 1, Video 3: A Character
Sheet #5. Problem
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Module 2, Video 1: With a Problem
Sheet #6. Guide
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Module 3, Video 1: Meets a Guide
Sheet #7. Plan
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Module 4, Video 1: Who Gives Them a Plan
Sheet #8. Calls to Action
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Module 5, Video 1: And Calls Them to Action
Sheet #7. Failure
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Module 6, Video 1: That Helps Them Avoid Failure
Sheet #7. Success
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Module 7, Video 1: And Ends in Success
Sheet #8. Narrative
Using the Whistle BrandScript Editor for the BMSU course on
The StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Module: Execution: Putting it All Together
Sheet #9. One Liner
The One Liner is an exercise your guide will take you through, and may be done near the end of the LiveStream workshop.
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