Would it surprise you to learn that vast numbers of the computer systems across the globe that are critical to our very survival have not been upgraded in decades and that many are infected with rogue software? I’m talking about computers that are highly networked via an open architecture, and that are running the very systems that keep us alive today.
At a minimum, you might be curious to learn what these systems are, right? In the words of Bob Maowad, these are “the fastest working, coolest running, most compact and efficient computer mechanisms ever produced in mass quantity by unskilled labor.”
He’s referring to our brain, and the unfortunate truth is that many of us today are still running software that has not been upgraded in years. By that, I mean that the way we see the world and the way we interpret everything that we experience and do is filtered through the software that we developed when we were younger — anywhere from childhood, through adolescence. Mind you, this software has served us extremely well. There’s nothing wrong with it, and it’s not technically broken. However, I submit that without running the equivalent of a mental anti-virus program, that we still have some limiting thoughts and ideas that are be robbing us of our true power, effectiveness, trust, intimacy, creativity, compassion, and love.
So when was the last time you ran an anti-virus scan on your mental software? When was the last time you took a deep look at what you believe to be true, looking specifically for the ways in which your views might be self-limiting? Unfortunately, even for the most introspective among us, there are certain things that are extremely difficult to see. By the same token that fish are the last ones to discover water, our self-imposed limitations are nearly everywhere, nearly all of the time. In fact, we are so accustomed to our filters of the world that we seldom consider the possibility that the world could be any different than it appears to us.
In the words of Mark Twain, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Often, it is our very certainty that keeps us from exploring alternate views even if those alternate views would be more supportive of our aspirations and dreams. But if we can let go of some of our certainties long enough, then quite literally, the entire universe becomes possible again. So think about it for a moment. What would you do if anything (yes, anything) were really possible again?
And if you don’t actually believe that literally anything anything is possible, then I have a special invitation just for you. Contact Primary Goals and let’s look at your filters. You might have a virus in there.
Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.
– Voltaire
If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.
– Rene Descartes
It is irrelevant what you know. The question is what are you implementing on a daily basis that effects your life.
– Fred Sarkari