For months, I had been mulling around the idea of putting together a mixed-media program with videos, documents, and a mastermind group, all focused on new businesses getting started online.
The process was been fascinating on unexpected levels. You see, I know the technical content quite well, but presenting it?  Just thinking about putting it in a form that is publicly consumable brought up all manner of fears and doubts.
- “Who am I to do this?” and other fears came up, despite knowing full well that I feel compelled to share this content.
- “It’s not good enough to invite others to see it yet,” despite knowing that it is great content useful, and relevant to my market as well as my fellow coaches just starting out.
- “There’s just one more thing to add” before I go live — despite knowing full well that I can update and expand on the fly.
On and on, the list of reasons to wait continued to grow. The overarching theme, of course, was that everything I felt about my product launch was rooted in fear. It’s the same fear that most of us experience when standing on the cusp of possibility, and the bigger the possibility he bigger the fear.
We stand on the pinnacle between wild success and utter failure. Instead of taking the next step, we freeze. We believe that for the moment, there is safety in standing still. Not only is the safety an illusion, but so too are the dangers we create on either side.
- The danger of failure, we fear, is that it will be permanent — a belief rooted in the fear of the unknown.
- The danger of success, we fear, is that it will be short lived, or unsustainable, then we will land back at failure again.
But all of it — the fear of failure, of success, or even the imagined safety of standing still — it is all just an illusion in our heads. It is all part of our deeper fears, trying to keep us from living and being at our highest potential.
So I launched my offering. And I feel great!
Check it out at That Web Coach –