If you’ve seen frameworks like OKRs and KPIs and thought they were irrelevant business jargon, I invite you to drop the acronyms and consider what’s most important to
Vision Archives
7 Steps to Define Your Business Process
There are two main challenges to documenting, streamlining, and automating complex business processes. It’s All In Your Head: As the business owner or operator, you have full knowledge of
Pick Yourself First
Seth Godin has a podcast episode on Akimbo about getting picked for a team (You’re It). Very few of us were consistently picked first, and many of us
The Blind Spot in Want Ads
“The major blind-spot in want-ads is an assessment that we need to increase the number of people engaged in production, rather than increasing the production of value through
The Time for the MAP is Before Entering the Organization
We live in a task-, project-, and objective-based society. How do we bridge that gap between the tasks that rule our lives, and what we really care about? Living
Vision, Cookies, and Marshmallows
At first glance, it’s hard to see any connection between the vision one may have for a corporation, department or one’s self, and Cookies or Marshmallows. I have